Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mad Mom disease

My dilemma, I mean, my day, started something like this: Once upon a time....J.K.
Anyway, my nine year old son and my six year old daughter wanted to walk to school by themselves. I told them they were not ready to walk alone yet. I assured them both that I would let them walk alone...eventually.
My beloved elementrians have started a new school and are anxious for their new adventure minus the M.B..I and the M.I.A. (Mom's Bureau of Investigations and Mom's Intelligence Agency). Speaking of high profile clubs, I would like to proudly mention my independent, reliable and resourceful sixteen year old man-child who I believe has the ability to be successful in anything he chooses to accomplish. My first born and driving force can at times can act as though he is a P.O.W. At this point in time his dream is to be a part of the M.M.A. (Mixed Martial Arts) and for me to support his desire for this up and coming profession. As much as my son adores me, my confident and stocky adolescent may have even visualized the two of us going toe to toe and him being victorious in getting me to Tap Out.
As a mother, I have invested my heart and soul in my amazing children and I want to love and support them in their choices. I would like to say I have done my best to educate them on some of the different kinds of paths they will have to choose from. I would like to believe that I have a potpourri of experiences to lead them through safe waters. I am aware that my example, however, has not always stood up to my own strict standards.
At this juncture in time I would like more peace about these short, independent walks from our home to their school or their bouts of wrestling. Unfortunately, I cannot predict the future or afford the secret service to follow them the rest of their lives.
This is when I have to let go and let God. It is a lot easier said than done.


Rob and Susan

Rob and Susan

Nicole and Neal, totally adorable.

Nicole and Neal, totally adorable.

Steviee, ohhh how cute!

Steviee, ohhh how cute!



We ought to repeat this day!

We ought to repeat this day!

Poor Family

Poor Family

My Daddy Rob

My Daddy Rob

As close to the stage as you can get!

As close to the stage as you can get!
Bob Dylan Concert, Deer Valley, Utah


Park City, Utah 8/30/08

Grams and me walking the show

Grams and me walking the show
Park city, Utah

Caden's new sport

Caden's new sport
Sis Party 6/08

Caden, Brittney, Alex

Caden, Brittney, Alex
Jeremy's 3 babes