Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What is a Daddy's Girl Anyway?

I created this blog for my dad's side of my family. The G side. They are a huge part of who I am. My life would not be whole if they did not exist. I am a G*****L! (I'm trying to keep the name private on purpose, in case you haven't caught on yet.)

I wasn't able to be a daddy's girl for very long and that is how I arrived at the title of my blog.

My daughter is a huge Daddy's Girl. I, oftentimes, find myself questioning my motherhood when our daughter runs to her dad first rather than to me, her mother. The one who gave birth to her, the one who carried her for 9 whole months! The same woman who prayed for a girl, therefore, completing the circle after having two wonderful boys.
Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to recall my childhood memories of how I felt about my dad. It helped me remember that I didn't love my dad more and my mom less, just differently. I find the dynamics of father/daughter relationships very interesting. I have little experience in having my dad around to protect me and set the example of what kind of man I would want to have in my life. I see now, that I have an opportunity to watch my husband to protect and be that example for our daughter.

I will be posting family pictures as often as I can, please email pictures you would like me to add.

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Rob and Susan

Rob and Susan

Nicole and Neal, totally adorable.

Nicole and Neal, totally adorable.

Steviee, ohhh how cute!

Steviee, ohhh how cute!



We ought to repeat this day!

We ought to repeat this day!

Poor Family

Poor Family

My Daddy Rob

My Daddy Rob

As close to the stage as you can get!

As close to the stage as you can get!
Bob Dylan Concert, Deer Valley, Utah


Park City, Utah 8/30/08

Grams and me walking the show

Grams and me walking the show
Park city, Utah

Caden's new sport

Caden's new sport
Sis Party 6/08

Caden, Brittney, Alex

Caden, Brittney, Alex
Jeremy's 3 babes